Effect of the pregnancy period preparation classes on the nutritional behavior of the postpartum period

Publication Year: February 2017

Authors: Maryam Rezaeyan, Habibeh Morteza, Seyedeh Tahereh Mirmolaei and Parichehr Khedri

Contributing Organization: International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences

Background: Morteza et. al (2017) is a quasi-experimental intervention using a sample of 50 women admitted to health care centers in Semnan for prenatal care who were nulliparas, had a gestational age of 18-24 weeks, were able to read and write Iranian and speak Persian, without history or known disease, or known risks to the pregnancy.

Methods: The intervention group received an 8-week training via lectures, discussion in small groups, question and answer, film screenings and educational booklets or pamphlets and routine care while the control received routine care. A questionnaire of demographic information and nutritional behavior was collected after the 8-week training.

Results: Significant differences were found between the training and control groups, from the aspect of the nutritional behavior. The findings also showed that there was a significant difference about traits of the consumption of food groups, the number of meals and duration of iron tablet’s consumption in these groups after the postpartum period.

Conclusions: The results from this research showed that classes of the pregnancy period preparation can have a positive effect on the nutritional behaviors and improves these behaviors. Suggestion for more research for the training of pregnancy and postpartum based on the culture of each region of the country.