Core Project in Uttar Pradesh

CROWN Core Projects are independent research projects engaged in the collaborative. Each Core Project focuses on increasing adherence to maternal micronutrient supplements among women of reproductive age. As members of the collaborative, Core Projects collaborate with each other by sharing knowledge, resources, and findings across the project lifespan.

Our Project in Uttar Pradesh Placeholder
Our Project in Uttar Pradesh

Women’s health

  • Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births): 145 deaths1
  • Anemia prevalence (women of reproductive age): 53%1
  • Anemia prevalence (pregnant women): 50%1
  • Anemia prevalence (non-pregnant women): 53%1
  • 4+ ANC visits during pregnancy: 58%2
  • Receipt of iron tablets or syrup (among those with 4+ ANC visits): 78%3

Child health

  • Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births): 33 deaths2
  • Child stunting (<2SD from the median height-for-age): 31%2
  • Child wasting (<2SD from the median weight-for-height): 17%2

More information coming soon.

1. World Bank. World development indicators [Internet]. 2019 [cited 2022 Mar 29]. Available from: 

2. UNICEF. Country profiles: India [Internet]. 2020 [cited 2022 Mar 29]. Available from: 

3. ICF. The DHS program STATcompiler [Internet]. 2019 [cited 2022 Mar 29]. Available from: 

4. Photo courtesy of: The Reduction in Anemia through Normative Innovations (RANI) Project.