At its core, the CROWN Project functions as the connector between four distinct projects, each of which aims to increase adherence to maternal micronutrient supplements among women of reproductive age. The CROWN Project uses a South-South model of learning by facilitating shared knowledge and growth across projects. Through the CROWN Project, each member project participates in cross-collaboration and knowledge sharing to expand and accelerate what we know about and how we approach adherence to supplementation.

The CROWN Project achieves this in several ways:

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Hosting regular web conferences with all member projects to share updates, challenges, and learnings and participate in collaborative problem-solving and planning

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Assembling annual mini-conferences with poster and oral presentations for all member projects to share their accomplishments and major findings

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Creating (or adapting) a standardized measure for adherence to promote cross-project evaluations

resource repository

Sharing relevant publications, tools, presentations, trainings, and more in a publicly available online resource repository

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Providing private access to an online portal for document sharing across member projects, including but not limited to research protocols, evaluation instruments, project planning materials, and meeting minutes

As the bridge, the CROWN Project also seeks to make connections beyond its member projects with professionals, researchers, organizations, and other nutrition leaders by identifying potential opportunities for collaboration and facilitating introductions with member projects. To learn more, please contact the CROWN Project .