Bee-Ah Kang, MSPH, MA
Areas of Expertise: Social and behavioral interventions, Health communication, Global health, Mixed-methods research
Bee-Ah Kang is a doctoral student in the Department of Health, Behavior and Society at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and is a Research Assistant for the CROWN Project. She completed her Master of Science in Public Health degree at Johns Hopkins and a Master of Arts in Communication at Seoul National University. Her research interest lies in the field of social determinants of health, health communication, and multilevel approaches to health behavior change among women and children in global settings. Some of her recent work includes social norms-based intervention for women in India, mHealth to prevent HIV among youth in Kenya, occupational mental health among COVID-19 frontline health workers in South Korea, parenting education in Laos, and social and behavioral change communication to end child marriage in Bangladesh and improve nutrition in Sri Lanka.